Bhileag 22nd April 2018
Bishop Brian McGee: we warmly welcome Bishop Brian to the island and to our parishes this weekend. Bishop Brian will stay over the weekend and will celebrate the weekend Masses with Fr. John Paul. Bishop Brian has written a Pastoral letter which you can take home with you to read in regard praying for Vocations.
Good Shepherd Sunday Holy Hour: today is the 4th Sunday of Easter and is Good Shepherd Sunday- a day we pray for more Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. The Holy Hour will be in St. Barr’s in Northbay at 4pm. The Holy hour will consist of Rosary and Exposition/Benediction. The specific intention will be for Vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. This weekend we also have Philip Bua visiting the parish. Philip is from Nigeria and has decided to give his life to the Priesthood and for our Diocese. Philip this last year has been living in Daliburgh in South Uist before he goes to Seminary. Philip is staying in Castlebay for the weekend and will join us in offering prayers for more Vocations. Please come along and support Bishop Brian , Fr. John Paul and Philip in this important prayer for vocations.
Special collection: next Sunday there will be a 2nd collection for supporting our Seminarians.
Meeting about Rosary on the Coast: on Tuesday 24th April at 7pm in Northbay Hall. All welcome.
Funeral: we pray for the repose of soul of MARY CATHERINE MacDOUGALL of Fort William & Barra who peacefully passed away in Fort William on Wednesday 18th April. Mary’s Requiem Mass will be in St. Barr’s in Northbay on Friday 27th April at 11am and thereafter burial in Eoligarry. Mary’s remains will come off the boat the previous evening. Fois shoiurruidh thoir dhith a Thighearna agus solus nach dìbir dearrsadh orra.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Bishop Brian confirmed 17 children in Our Lady Star of the Sea – let us continue to support the children in our prayers as they now prepare for their First Confession and First Holy Communion – we pray for Danielle MacArthur, Eilidh Mairi MacLeod, Emily MacNeil, Holly Boyd Clark, Isabella MacNeil, Katie MacNeil, Mairead MacNeil, Sorcha MacDougall, Zoey Gillies, Calum MacNeil, Craig MacNeil, Dòmhnall MacNeil, Kieran MacNeil, Ian Friend, Lewis Irving, Michael MacArthur, Samuel Monk.
SCIAF: today is the “final call” for all SCIAF wee boxes. Also next weekend we will have Alistair Dutton who is the Director of SCIAF making a visit to Barra and to the other islands and he will speak at the end of Sunday Masses next weekend- to say thank you to everyone who helps support SCIAF.
The “Rosary on the Coast”: next Sunday, 29th April at 3pm there will be “The Rosary on the Coast” on the Traigh Mhor in Eoligarry. There is plenty parking there, also access to toilet facilities. There is of course easy access for cars to drive straight onto the beach and for our housebound to be a part of the Rosary. Each decade of the Rosary will be represented by each of the 5 churches on the islands. The Rosary prayer is for “Faith, Life and Peace in the British Isles”. Everyone is welcome. After the Rosary there will be refreshments in Northbay Hall. All welcome!
Gift Aid Numbers: could whoever has envelope number 5 for St. Barr’s Northbay and Envelope number 46 for Castlebay please speak with Fr. John Paul so that he can update his records. Thanks.