Bhileag 21st April 2019
Northbay Easter Egg Hunt: today on this Easter Sunday there will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the children around the grounds of Northbay church. It will happen after the 9.30am Northbay Mass. As the kids are busy looking for eggs the adults are invited into the hall for Tea and refreshments.
SCIAF: on behalf of SCIAF thank you to everyone who helped in the SCIAF coffee morning last Saturday. It was a huge success with well over £1500 being raised on the day. Many thanks to those who helped organise behind the scenes. To all who donated baking and to all who donated their time to helping in anyway- thank you. It was a wonderful coffee morning and it is planned that we do the same again next year during Lent and once again help support SCIAF’s good work in helping our brothers and sisters in poverty.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: could all wee boxes be brought in.
Visit of Bishop Brian McGee: next weekend (27th/28th April) Bishop Brian will be making a parish visitation. Each year Bishop Brian visits every parish. He celebrates the weekend Masses. He visits the schools and some housebound and visits the Home & hospital. We look forward to welcoming Bishop Brian to the parishes next weekend.
Divine Mercy Sunday: next Sunday 28th April – the 2nd Sunday of Easter is also Divine Mercy Sunday. Weather permitting we will have the Rosary outside at Northbay Grotto and then after wards to have Benediction. It will be at 3pm. If the weather is not good then we simply move indoors to St. Barr’s.
The Churches at Easter: Fr John Paul & Fr. Emmanuel wish to thank everyone who prepared our Churches for the celebration of Easter. All our Churches look so beautiful -all with fresh flowers- an explosion of colour and joy in all our Churches to celebrate Easter! Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way. Moran Taing!
Fr. John Paul & Fr. Emmanuel wish everyone a Happy & Holy Easter.
The Lord has Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!