Bhileag 20th October 2019
Mission Sunday: today is Mission Sunday. Special prayers are offered today for the good work of the Missions of the Church. There will be a special collection at all the Masses for the work of Missio Scotland. As well as the Special Collection- you are welcome to take home a Mission pack which has in it a Missio box which you can fill with money for the Missions (a bit like the Sciaf wee Box). If you are using these boxes then to please return to the church for the end of October. Pope Francis has declared the month of October as an “extraordinary Mission Month”- during which we are encouraged to pray and support those countries where the Church is poor and in need.
Requiem Mass: we pray for the repose of the soul of Martha MacDonald (Martha Dhuchain) of Bogach who peacefully passed away on Sunday morning in her own home surrounded by her family. Martha was a well loved parishioner and she had a wonderful warm, gentle character- who had time for everyone. Martha’s Requiem Mass will be on Wednesday 23rd October at 11.30am in St. Barr’s Church in Northbay. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
October Devotions: today (Sunday 20th October) there will be Rosary and Benediction at 4.00pm in St. Barr’s, in Northbay.
Funeral: of MARY FLORA BUCHANAN (Mairi Floraidh a’ Glindich of Eoligarry) will be on Tuesday 29th October at 11.00am in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry. Mary Flora’s remains will be received into Eoligarry church on Monday 28th October evening (once the boat comes in).
Special Collection: next Sunday there will be a special collection for the sick and retired priests of the Diocese.
The month of October: is the month of the Holy Rosary. The Rosary will be said after Mass from Tuesday to Friday.
Borve Graveyard: a new stock-proof fence will be put around the whole perimeter of Borve graveyard. Access to the graveyard will still be through the pedestrian gate or the main gate. In the next few weeks the new fence will be erected. Once the fencing has been completed then it will give time to plan ahead in how best to proceed in fixing the graveyard wall.
Eucharistic Ministers: Fr. John Paul will be asking some parishioners to take on the role of being a Eucharistic Minister in our parishes.