Bhileag 1st November 2020
Weekend Masses: Sadly “Storm Aidan” has scuppered our weekend Mass plans. The winds are gusting from 65mph-75mph from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Too dangerous to go along to Mass. Therefore the Weekend Masses for 31st October and 1st November (The Feast of All Saints) are sadly cancelled.
Sunday & Weekday Masses: to attend any Mass you must contact Canon John Paul to see if there is availability at Mass. Please phone, text or email Canon John Paul. If the weekend Masses are busy you could try and attend Mass through the week. Please try and get in touch with Canon John Paul sooner rather than later about attending Mass. It makes things easier if there are “household bubbles” who can sit together on a pew. So think about if you can sit with someone and use that space in the church. As always if you feel uncomfortable about going back to Church just now during this Coronavirus pandemic -then please don’t go. If you have any hesitation the simple answer is to stay at home and continue to watch Mass online. There is no pressure to go.
The Bishops of Scotland have still suspended the Sunday Obligation of going to Mass for the time being.
Face Coverings must be worn at every Mass now. If you have a health condition that prevents you from wearing one, that’s fine. Also those under 5 do not need to wear a covering.
If you feel you have any symptoms of COVID-19– like a new continuous cough; a high fever; loss or change in sense of smell or taste then please DO NOT go to Church- instead stay home & isolate & book a test.
Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of RITA MacINNES who peacefully passed away on Tuesday 27th October in her own home in Eoligarry at the age of 73. Rita’s Requiem Mass took place on Friday 30th October in St. Vincent’s Church in Eoligarry and after the Mass Rita was laid to rest in Eoligarry graveyard. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Michael and all the family at this sad time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
All Souls Day Mass: please note this week that there will be Mass on Monday (2nd November)- in celebration of All Souls day. Normally Canon John Paul celebrates 3 Masses on All Souls Day but this year because of the pandemic there will be just one Mass and it will be in Our Lady Star of the Sea in Castlebay at 11.00am. If you wish to go to the Mass-just turn up to the Church and you can sign your name in for Mass at the Church front porch.
The Month of the Holy Souls: The Month of November begins today and it is the month we offer important prayers for the Holy Souls- praying for all our deceased family, relatives and friends. November is a very important month in which the Church encourages us all to offer special prayers to lead all souls to heaven. If you wish to remember any deceased family during the month of November, please write their names down on the “November Dead List” and to place the list in the “Holy Souls envelopes” and to also place an offering. Those names you write down will be remembered at all the Masses in November.
In a Special way this year the church wishes to remember those who have died during this pandemic. Remembering those who have lost a loved one during the pandemic, remembering those who could not say their final good bye because of the various restrictions. This Pandemic has been a very difficult and painful time for many grieving families. Let us pray during the month of November to the risen Lord to help us pray for those souls close to us so that they may forever enjoy the paradise of heaven.
Graveyard Rosary: during the month of November we normally have the custom of praying the Rosary in each of our Graveyards. Sadly this November because of the Pandemic we will not be able to do that. Instead Canon John Paul encourages you to go yourself (or with your family) anytime during November and to pray the Rosary in one of our graveyards or if the weather is not good to go to one of the Churches to pray the rosary for the Holy Souls.
Remembrance Sunday Service: this year because of COVID-19 the usual service at the War memorial is cancelled. Instead there will be a short service for a small group of people on Sunday 8th November who will lay their wreaths at the War memorial at 10.55am and then at 11am there will be a 2 minute silence.
Mon 2nd Nov…11.00am CASTLEBAY
Tues 3rd Nov….. 10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 4th Nov….. 12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 5th Nov…..10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 6th Nov….10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 7th Nov……….No Mass
7th & 8th NOVEMBER 2020
32nd Sunday of Year A
Saturday Vigil Masses
4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses