Bhileag 18th November 2018
November Lists: The month of November is the month of the Holy souls -when we pray for all our deceased family, relatives, friends, parishioners and all the holy souls who have no one to pray for them. Once you have filled in your list and put in your offering please pass on the envelope to one of the Priests and they will be placed into the book of Remembrance which will be called the “Book of Life” and placed upon the Altar at every Holy Mass.
Special Collection: this weekend for the Pastoral Formation of the Diocese.
Graveyard Rosary: today in Eoligarry Graveyard at 3pm.
Funeral: it is planned that the Funeral of the late Dr. Joan Lees (of London & Eoligarry) will be on Tuesday 27th November at 11am in St. Vincent’s church in Eoligarry and thereafter burial in Eoligarry graveyard.
Following in St. Peter’s Footsteps: St. Peter’s parish in Daliburgh is celebrating its 150th anniversary with a pilgrimage to Rome next year-from Monday 20th May- Friday 24th May and the total cost of the is £638. If you are interested in going please contact Fr. Ross over in Eriskay on Tel: 01878 720201
Diocesen financial Deficit: We will delay the reading of Bishop Brian’s Letter in regard the Diocesan Deficit till next weekend. In the letter Bishop Brian informs us all that our Diocese is sadly running at a financial deficit. You will receive a leaflet, which will provide you with more information on this and details of an appeal from the Diocese for your help in resolving this situation.
Canon Angus MacQueen: has returned back to Barra and is once again back over in St. Brendan’s Home. Canon Angus seems to be doing fine, sadly his mobility is not so good but we are happy to see him back amongst us again. Canon Angus recently celebrated his 95th Birthday. We wish him every health and blessing!
Sacrament Classes: Fr. John Paul has handed letters & forms to the School enquiring which children will be attending the sacrament classes this coming year. Classes will begin after the New Year. Could parents who have received these forms please fill them in and pass them onto the school. Please note that from now on the children preparing for the sacraments will first prepare for their first confession and then their first holy communion. They will receive the sacrament of Confirmation in Primary 7.