Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 18th March 2018

Sacrament of Confession: Fr. Pat McSorley, a retired priest of Galloway Diocese, arrives on the island on Tuesday and will stay till Friday. He will be available to hear Confessions on the following days:-

Tuesday……… 6.30pm-7.30pm Castlebay    

Wednesday….6.00pm-6.45pm Craigston

Thursday……4.00pm- 4.45pm Eoligarry

                        5.00pm- 6.00pm Northbay

Friday………..10.30am- 11.00am Vatersay

 Fr. John Paul: is away this week attending the Chrism Mass and the various Priests’ meetings with Bishop Brian in Oban. He will be away Monday till Friday. Fr. John Paul will also take the opportunity to go to the Priesthood ordination of Vincent Toal (the brother of Bishop Toal) which takes place in St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Glasgow on Monday 19th March. Rev. Vincent will be ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Glasgow. If you need to contact Fr. John Paul use the mobile number or email!

 Stations of the Cross: an important devotion in Lent is to pray the Stations of the Cross. Today on the 5th Sunday of Lent there will be Stations of the Cross at 4.00pm in St. Barr’s in Northbay.

 Eoligarry Graveyard Committee meeting: on Sunday 18th March at 5.00pm in Northbay Hall.

Chrism Mass: will be this Wednesday 21st March at 7.00pm in St. Columba’s Cathedral in Oban. Bishop Brian invites all from around the diocese to come along to this important Mass.

Future Wedding: this coming Saturday 24th March there will be the Wedding service of KERRY MacDONALD  & ANDREW RAE in Our Lady Star of the Sea at 2.30pm. Could those in the choir please come along and help in the wedding service.

Mass for the burial of ashes: of the late Neil Campbell (Niall Dhunnachaidh of Vatersay) will now be on MONDAY 26th March at 11.00am in Vatersay Church and thereafter burial of ashes in Vatersay graveyard.

Palm Sunday: next Sunday 25th March is Palm Sunday and therefore the beginning of Holy Week.

Fr. Peter Banyard: will come to Vatersay for his Easter break on Monday 26th March for 10 days. Please note that Fr. Peter will probably join Fr. John Paul for his Masses for the Easter Triduum as he is still not 100% well. We will see after a few days rest on Vatersay if he is able to do any extra Masses.

Gift Aid: The Gift Aid envelopes for this new Tax year are available in the church porch. Please pick up your envelope- make sure you have the right number.If anyone would like to sign up for Gift Aid please speak with Fr. John Paul or please take home an information sheet and  enquiry form to fill in. The Diocese is keen to remind us of how important Gift Aid is and how it is an easy way for our parishes to have extra money coming in at the end of  the Tax Year. PLEASE CONSIDER GIVING YOUR SUNDAY COLLECTION AS GIFT AID. THANK YOU.