Bhileag 17th February 2019
Burial of Canon Angus John MacQueen: last Thursday (14th February) Canon Angus was laid to rest in South Uist in Ardivachar Cemetery in Eochdar. Bishop Brian McGee celebrated the Requiem Mass with the Priests of the islands. It was lovely to see so many come over from Barra for the Mass. We remember all the good things that Canon Angus did for the islands of Barra and Vatersay. We thank God for his life and especially for his Priesthood.Fois shiorruidh thoir dha, a Thigherana, agus solus nach dìbir dearrsadh air. Gu’n robh fhois ann a’ sith. Amen.
Lapaich: Fr. Emmanuel will visit the housebound this coming week on Monday & Wednesday.
Barra 200 Club: this is a “final call” for any Subscriptions (of £12) for the Barra 200 Club. Subscriptions can be handed into the Post Office or to Mary Sarah (810539). Many thanks to everyone who supports the 200 club which supports the parish. Moran Taing!
Fr. Ross Crichton: we remember in our prayers Fr. Ross over in Eriskay who is taking a month away from the parish to discern whether his priesthood is drawing him to the “Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest”. He will stay in a parish in Preston and work alongside three other Priests. An important charism of The Institute of Christ the King is the use of traditional Latin liturgy- each day Mass is celebrated in Latin. It is something Fr. Ross has been thinking about for a while and after a couple of months of discerning he will make a decision whether the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is where his priesthood lies or whether he will continue to remain a priest of the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles. Our thoughts, prayers and support are with Fr. Ross in his discernment.
Fr. John Paul: will be away from the parish this coming Monday for the week.
Safeguarding: Mrs Tina Campbell, the head of Safeguarding for the Scottish Catholic Church, will soon be coming to Barra to lead a safeguarding class for those involved in Children’s Liturgy. It is important that all those involved are able to attend.
Special Collection: next weekend there will be a special collection for Scottish Catholic Education.
Sacraments Class: on Tuesdays at 2.50pm-3.30pm in Castlebay Primary school.