Bhileag 16th May 2021
Reserve a seat for Mass: If you wish to go to Mass please phone /text /email Canon John Paul and let him know which Mass you would like to go to. Please note that there is no Sunday Obligation at the moment. Therefore you can treat a weekday Mass as your Sunday Mass just now.
Funeral: We continue to remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of John MacPherson (Northbay & Glasgow) who died recently in Glasgow. John will be brought back home to Barra on Thursday 20th May afternoon and will be received into St. Barr’s Church in Northbay. John’s Requiem Mass will be on Friday 21st May at 11am in St. Barr’s and then John will be laid to rest in Eoligarry Graveyard. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to all John’s family at this time. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Bishop Brian McGee: we warmly welcome Bishop Brian to the island. Bishop Brian is keen to get back to visiting parishes in the Diocese now that restrictions are slowly easing. He will not be doing any formal visits like to School or Hospitals or housebound. He will celebrate the weekend Masses. He will chat to parishioners informally after Mass outside the Church. While Bishop Brian is on the island Canon John Paul will head to the mainland for a long weekend.
Canon John Paul: will arrive back on Tuesday 18th May on the evening boat.
Canon John Paul received his 2nd Vaccine jab last Saturday (8th May) and when the next set of lockdown restrictions are lifted on the 17th May Canon John Paul will start to make plans for housebound visits.
Eoligarry Mass: please note the only change of Mass time this week is that the Eoligarry Mass is moved to Monday 17th May at 10am. Bishop Brian heads away on Tuesday and Canon John Paul is not back till the Tuesday evening. So please note the change!
Rosary & Benediction: today (16th May) in St. Barr’s- Northbay Church at 4.00pm there will be Rosary & Benediction with Bishop Brian.
Gift Aid Envelopes: please pick up your gift aid envelopes if you are signed up for Parish Gift Aid. If anyone is interested in signing up for parish Gift Aid then please speak with Canon John Paul. If you pay tax you can give your Sunday collection as Gift Aid. Please consider this easy way of giving extra to the parish.
First Holy Communions. The Children are now preparing for their Sacrament classes and preparing for their first Confession and first Holy Communion. Of course there were no First Communions last year so we now have P5 & P4 preparing for the Sacraments this year. We keep all the children in our prayers in their preparations.
Mon 17th May….10.00am EOLIGARRY
Tue 18th May…… No Mass
Wed 19th May….. 12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 20th May… 10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 21st May……. 11.00am NORTHBAY
(Requiem Mass)
Sat 22nd May…….No Mass
22nd & 23rd May 2021
Pentecost (B)
Vigil Mass………….4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY