Bhileag 13th October 2019
Canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman: today in St. Peter’s in Rome Pope Francis has named Cardinal John Henry Newman a Saint. Newman was a 19th century Theologian, poet, Catholic Priest and Cardinal. He was born in 1801, a well respected Oxford academic, he was an Anglican Priest until he converted to Catholicism in 1845 and then became a Catholic Priest in 1847. He became a Cardinal in 1879. He died in 1890 at the age of 89 in Birmingham. His well known motto was “Heart speaks unto Heart”. Therefore we have another wonderful Saint in the heavenly realm who can help us all on our journey of faith. St. John Henry Newman…..Pray for us.
October Devotions: today (Sunday 13th October) there will be Rosary and Benediction at 4.00pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea, Castlebay. Next Sunday (20th October) it will be St. Barr’s, Northbay.
Recent Deaths: we pray for the repose of the soul of MARY FLORA BUCHANAN (Mairi Floraidh a’ Glindich of Eoligarry) who recently passed away in Glasgow. Mary Flora’s remains will come back to Barra to be laid to rest. At the moment it looks like it will be at the end of the month -28th/29th October. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
We also remember to pray for the repose of soul of TOMMY SHARKEY who recently passed away in Crianlarich. Tommy of course was married to “Nanny Fulaidh” from Barra and Tommy often visited Barra but sadly he passed away. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.
Special Collection: this weekend for Pastoral Formation of the Diocese.
Mission Sunday: next weekend 19th/20th October is Mission Sunday. Special prayers are offered for the work of the Missions of the Church. There will be a special collection at all the Masses for the work of the Missions. As well as the Special Collection next week- you are welcome to take home a Mission pack which has in it a box which you can fill with money for the Missions (a bit like the Sciaf wee Box). If you are using these boxes then to please return to the church for the end of October. Pope Francis has declared the month of October as an “extraordinary Mission Month”- during which we are encouraged to pray and support those countries where the Church is poor and in need.
Fr. John Paul: please note Fr. John Paul will be heading to the mainland this week- he has a meeting in Falkirk with the National Vocation Directors of Scotland along with Bishop John Keenan. Fr. John Paul heads away on Monday and will be back on Friday’s boat. He can always be contacted on his mobile number or by email. Therefore there will be no Mass from Monday to Friday this week.
Eoligarry Vigil Mass: Next Saturday (19th October) there will be the extra Vigil Mass in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry at 4.00pm.
Borve Graveyard: Sadly more parts of the wall of the graveyard have broken down and there is an urgent need to put up a fence. Therefore a new stock-proof fence will be put around the whole perimeter of the graveyard. Access to the graveyard will still be through the pedestrian gate or the main gate. In the next few weeks the new fence will be erected. Once the fencing has been completed then it will give time to plan ahead in how best to proceed in fixing the graveyard wall.
Eucharistic Ministers: Fr. John Paul will once again be asking some parishioners to take on the role of being a Eucharistic Minister in our parishes.