Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 13th January 2019

Recent Funeral: we pray for the repose of the soul of CURSTY PEIGI MacLEAN who peacefully passed away in St. Brendan’s Home on Sunday 6th January at the age of 71. This past year has been a very difficult year for Cursty- with many highs and lows in her health. Cursty had lived in St. Brendan’s Home  for over 10 years- the longest serving resident. Cursty’s Requiem Mass took place in St. Brendan’s Church  in Craigston on Wednesday 9th January and thereafter Cursty was then laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery.Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

Castlebay Church clean: today (Sunday 13th Jan) there will be a tidy up of the Christmas decorations. If you can spare some time to come along this afternoon at 2pm and help tidy away decorations and clean the church after the Christmas season- it would be very much appreciated. Thank you to all who have already tidied away the Christmas decorations in the other churches. Moran Taing!

Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next Saturday 19th January there will be the extra Vigil Mass at 4.00pm

Fatima Holy Hour: this coming Tuesday (15th Jan)  there will be Fatima Holy Hour- Mass, Rosary and Exposition in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry from 10am-11am.

Crib Collection: this Weekend (12th/13th January) we will take up a special collection for the Crib collection which is for Missionary Children- Holy Childhood. Normally a basket is left beside the crib but not much money is raised so we will take up a collection at the end of Mass.

Fr. John Paul: please note Fr. John Paul is away this weekend (12th/13th Jan)  supplying in the parish  of  Dunoon. Over the coming year Fr. John Paul will be away from the island helping to supply in various parishes and he will take these opportunities to talk to parishioners throughout the Diocese about his role as the New Vocations Director of the Diocese and encouraging parishioners all over the Diocese to pray for m ore Vocations to the Priesthood for our Diocese.

Barra 200 Club: we will soon be starting again another year of the Barra 200 Club. More details will follow in how to go about payment of subscriptions.