Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
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Bhileag- 11th February 2018

World Day of Prayer for the sick: Today, the 11th of February is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and is also the “World day of Prayer for the sick”. Let us remember in a special way today all who are sick, especially parishioners and any family or friends. We remember all our housebound and all in hospital. We also pray for those who dedicate their lives to looking after the sick. May the Lord Jesus bless our sick and those who look after them.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us!
Ash Wednesday Services: this coming Wednesday (14th February) is Ash Wednesday and therefore the season of Lent begins. As well as three Masses (9.45am in Northbay; 11.00am in Craigston; 7.00pm in Castlebay) there will be 4 other services where the ashes will be distibuted:-
9.20am Eoligarry School
12 Noon Castlebay School
12.30pm Cobhair Bharraigh
2.30pm St. Brendan’s Home/Hospital.

If you cannot get to Mass you are welcome to attend any of the services above to receive your ashes and so enter the true spirit of Lent.

Fast & Abstinence: Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and abstinence. A day we refrain from eating meat and cut back on our food so that we can concentrate our efforts more on prayer and putting God first.

Fatima Holy Hour: this coming Tuesday is the 13th February. There will be a Holy hour in honour of Our Lady of Fatima in St. Vincent de Paul’s Church in Eoligarry. Mass is at 11.30am followed by Rosary and Exposition.

SCIAF Wee Boxes: As part of a Lenten journey we help to support our Scottish Catholic charity of SCIAF. Please pick up a “Wee Box” and take it home with you. This year SCIAF will help support the people of Cambodia. Please note that for every £1 you give to SCIAF the UK Government will double –which is Good News! All donations have to be received by 8th May!

Lenten prayer books: there are some little reflection books on Lent available at the back of the church for adults and children. All are £1.

Eoligarry Vigil Mass: there will be the extra Vigil Mass next Saturday 17th February at 4.00pm in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry.

Candlemas: the candles recently blessed at Candlemas are at the church entrance. You are welcome to take a candle or candles home with you and if you can leave a donation that would be appreciated.

Barra 200 Club: It’s that time of the year again when we renew our subscription to the 200 Club. You can leave your renewal money at the Post office or you can hand it to Mary Sarah.