Bhileag 10th November 2019
Remembrance Sunday Service: today (the 10th November) there will be the Remembrance service at the Nask War memorial at 2.00pm. It is an important day to remember those on our islands who gave their lives in the great World Wars. All Welcome.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this week. Monday & Wednesday in Castlebay Parish. Tuesday in Eoligarry & Northbay. If there is anyone you know who would appreciate a visit from the Priest with the Sacraments please speak to Fr. John Paul.
November Lists: The Month of November is the Month of the Holy Souls. It is a very important Month in which we are encouraged to pray for the Holy Souls, to pray for all the faithful departed, praying for all our deceased family, relatives and friends. Please take home with you a November List and envelope. Please write down the names of any deceased family you wish to remember and please put an offering in the envelope and please pass on to Fr. John Paul or put into the collection plate or leave upon the Altar. The names that you write down will be remembered at all the masses through the month of November. Our prayers for the Holy Souls are very important and it is an important prayer to do because one day we will need the prayers of the church to guide our souls to the glory of heaven.
Mission Wee Boxes: if you have filled in your Missio Wee Box could you hand it into the church as soon as possible so that the money can be sent to Missio Scotland.
Prize Bingo: on Friday 15th November at 7.30pm in Castlebay School there will be a prize Bingo for Barra Cancer Support. Donations towards the Bingo will be gratefully accepted. For more details please contact Christine Galbraith (Tel: 890 380).
Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next Saturday (16th Nov) there will be the extra Vigil Mass in Eoligarry at 4pm.
Graveyard Rosary: Each Sunday afternoon in November the Rosary will be prayed in each of the graveyards at 3.00pm
Sun 10th Nov- Cuithir
Sun 17th Nov- Eoligarry
Sun 24th Nov- Borve
If the weather is poor then the Rosary will be prayed in the nearest church.
Gaelic Prayer Book & Gaelic Hymn Book: Fr. Ross Crischton on Eriskay has been busy working away trying to update a Gaelic Prayer book and also update our Gaelic Hymn Books. He is keen to meet with parishioners from all over the islands who have a good knowledge of their Gaelic prayers and Gaelic Hymns. He is planning to come over to Barra on Thursday 5th December and he will use Northbay Hall to talk about his plans and he is keen to meet parishioners who would like to see Gaelic prayers or hymns included in future Gaelic Prayer/Hymn Books. So it’s a good time to start thinking about old Gaelic prayers that may have never been written down but handed on by mouth. Same with hymns- are there Gaelic Hymns which should be in a new Gaelic Hymn Book. Time to think!!!!!