Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
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Bhileag 10th May 2020

A’ Bhileag- The Parish Newsletter: since the Churches are now closed  until the Government decide to lift restrictions- the parish newsletter can be picked up from A & C MacLean’s Shop (Bùth Bhuidsear). Or to go online at the parish website or go to St. Barr’s  facebook page.


Scottish Bishops: are working with a “working group” of experts in medicine and public health to find ways of trying to reopen our Churches in some kind way and doing so in phases. As we know social distancing is very important just now- keeping 2m away from people and always keeping our hands clean.  The working group is trying to find different ways of how best to move forward and try and get our churches open again. Sadly it will take time to happen!


The Month of May is the Month of Mary: The month of May is a special month of prayer to Our Lady and especially praying the Rosary. At times like this we should be praying our Rosary and asking our Lady to help us in these strange times. Remember that there are particular days we say the mysteries of the Rosary. The Glorious Mysteries on Sunday & Wednesday; The Joyful mysteries on Monday & Saturday; The Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday &  Friday; The Mysteries of light on a Thursday.

To help us focus in our praying of the Rosary- always keep in mind a special intention-why not offer the:-

1st Decade-pray for family, friends and loved ones to be protected at this time against the Coronavirus.

2nd Decade pray for the Doctors and Nurses and carers who work hard each day against the Coronavirus.

3rd decade pray for Government leaders to make the right decisions to help us and our Country.

4th Decade pray for the sick, housebound and all in hospital and for those who have died from the Coronavirus.

5th Decade pray for your own special intention.


Our Lady of Fatima: this coming Wednesday 13th May is the Feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. Our Lady appeared to the three Shepherd Children- Lucia, Francisco & Jacinta on the 13th May 1917 and appeared to them 6 times over 6 months appearing always on the 13th day of the month. Our Lady on those six occasions repeated one thing- “pray the Rosary”. Back in 1917 World War I was going on and she asked the world to pray the Rosary for an end to the war and to pray for peace in the world. We find ourselves in a new kind of war which has upset the peace of our world with the pandemic of the Coronavirus. Let us pray our Rosary for peace in our world, peace in our hearts and pray that this pandemic may pass quickly.

Pray this coming Wednesday especially at 12 noon or at any time on this date the holy Rosary and pray for your families and loved ones and our islands to be protected. Lucia, the oldest of the three shepherd children entered a convent and became Sister Lucia  and she  lived till she was 97 in 2005- she beautifully said “there is no problem , I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the holy Rosary”. Of course two of the shepherd children are now holy saints in the church ; St. Francisco  and St. Jacinta – they are holy Saints who also can help in our daily prayers.


Video Clips: As you are aware Canon John Paul puts a short video clip on the internet each Sunday with the great help and expertise of Stephen Kearney. It can be found on St. Barr’s Facebook page or to go to Littleday productions which is run by Stephen  and the clip will be there. Also if you go to Youtube and type in Canon John Paul MacKinnon -you can also get the video clips there.


Watching Holy Mass on the TV or Internet: we cannot physically go to Church for Holy Mass just now and so we must now use the Digital World. The Catholic channel EWTN on SKY channel 588 is very good. You can also go online and go toChurch services TV” or go to MCN media and we are spoilt for choice for the number of Masses being celebrated live on the internet. As always Bishop Brian is also live-streaming his daily Mass via the Diocesan Website at 10am.


Sunday Collection: Canon John Paul wishes to thank those who have gone online or gone to the bank to help support the parish in their donations for a Sunday Collection. It is very much appreciated especially in these difficult times. If anyone still  wishes to give something you can use one of the following account details;

RCD Argyll & the Isles Castlebay Mission    Account no. 65627538    Sort Code 839125    Coop Bank

RCD Argyll & the Isles Northbay Mission    Account no. 65628061     Sort Code 839125   Coop Bank