A Bhileag 8th March 2020
Coronavirus- COVID- 19: The whole of the World has been startled by the widespread Coronavirus which now has come to the UK and especially to Scotland. All Bishops of Scotland are writing to every parish in their Diocese to try and find ways of slowing the spread of the Virus. Bishop Brian McGee has instructed that in all parishes throughout our diocese there will be some precautionary measures taken;
- The founts are to be emptied of Holy Water in all the churches. People can still bless themselves when they enter the church by simply making the sign of the cross.
- There will be no shaking of hands for the sign of peace.
- If people could all receive communion on their hand and not on their tongue.
- The Chalice (the precious blood) will not be offered for Holy Communion
- If you are unwell you should not be going to Mass- do not push yourself to go to Mass if you are not well- its best to stay home in such situations.
- Follow NHS guidelines- especially washing your hands often and using hand sanitizers.
Installing of the New Canons: will be during Evening prayer at 6.30pm on Tuesday 10th March- on the Feast of St. John Ogilvie. Fr. John Paul along with Fr. Michael Hutson, Fr. Roddy Johnston and Fr. William MacLean will become Canons of the Cathedral chapter for the Diocese. All Welcome.
Sadly the weather is turning windy again this week and of course will cause problems with boats and especially for those who were trying to get to the Mass. I know some of you were keen to go and sadly the weather may prevent that.
Fr. John Paul will be flying out to Glasgow on Monday morning and he will return on Friday afternoon.
Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into the family of the church NICOLE WADDELL who was baptised last Sunday in Our Lady Star of the Sea. We wish Nicole and her parents and Godparents every blessing.
Stations of the Cross: today at 4.00pm in St. Barr’s in Northbay
SCIAF wee boxes: are available to collect at the church entrance.
Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next Saturday 14th March there will be the extra vigil Mass at 4pm in St. Vincent’s.