Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
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A Bhileag 1st March 2020

Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of  DUNCAN BROWN who passed away peacefully on Monday 24th February in his own home in Borve at the age of 81. The Requiem Mass took place on Thursday 27th February in St. Brendan’s in Craigston. Thereafter Duncan was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. We extend our prayers of sympathy and love to Fiona and all the family at this sad time. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine him.  May he rest in peace. Amen.


Installing of the New Canons: It has come to Fr. John Paul’s attention!! Please note that before the Mass there is Evening Prayer of the Church at 6.30pm in the Cathedral and it will be during the evening prayer at 6.30pm that the new Canons will be installed into the Cathedral Chapter. So if you are keen to see the new Canons installed please go along to the evening prayer at 6.30pm!!  It all takes place on Tuesday 10th March- on the Feast of St. John Ogilvie.  Fr. John Paul along with Fr. Michael Hutson, Fr. Roddy Johnston and Fr. William MacLean will become  Canons of the Cathedral chapter for the Diocese. All Welcome.


Stations of the Cross: will start next Sunday at 4.00pm in St. Barr’s in Northbay


Special Collection: this weekend there will be 2nd collection for Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES)


SCIAF wee boxes: are available to collect at the church entrance.


Lenten prayer books: there are some Lenten Prayer books available at the church entrance for adults and children.


World day of Prayer: this coming Friday 6th March there will be the annual “World day of Prayer”. It will be held in St. Barr’s Church in Northbay at 7pm. We are looking for readers to help out. There are 4 readers from the Church of Scotland ready to help in the service and we now need 5 readers from our own parishes to help in the parts of the service. Of course there are booklets all prepared and various people have small paragraphs to read out. This year the service has been written by the women of Zimbabwe. After the Service there will be refreshments in the hall. Donations towards baking and helping with the tea will be appreciated.

There will be short meeting to discuss the World day of Prayer on Tuesday at 7pm in St. Barr’s church. If you can help -come along to the short meeting.


Safeguarding Course:  Fr. John Paul wishes to thank all those who went along to the recent Safeguarding course in Castlebay School or at Northbay Hall. The course was led by Liz Chaplin who travelled down from Stornoway to give us the course of Part II of “In God’s image”. We would like to thank Liz for making the journey down through the islands and leading us in the course.


Fr. John Paul; please note that Fr. John Paul will be heading over to Uist on Monday to attend a Funeral in Our Lady of Sorrows in Garrynamonie  and then he will be heading for the mainland from Wednesday to Friday for meetings.