A’ Bhileag 19th January 2020
Crib Collection: today the 2nd collection at all Masses will go towards the Crib collection which is for the Holy Childhood- the Missionary children.
Funeral: We remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Mairi MacIntyre (Mairi Coinneach of Bolnabodach) who passed away peacefully on Friday 17th January at the age of 92 in Inverness where she had been living for a good number of years. Mairi was married to Calum “Aoidh” MacIntyre. The plan is that Mairi’s remains will be brought back to Barra next Friday (24th Jan) and will be received into Northbay church- when the boat comes in. Then on Saturday 25th January at 11am the Requiem Mass of Mairi will take place in St. Barr’s. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace. Amen.
Fr. John Paul: will be away from the parish this week- Monday to Friday. If anyone needs to contact him please phone his mobile number (Tel: 07951128475). While he is on the mainland there will be no weekday Mass till Saturday morning.
Castlebay Church Choir: we are always looking for more voices to join the Church choir. All ages are welcome to join the choir. It’s not just Castlebay choir but Craigston and Northbay Choir are always happy to welcome new voices to join them. It’s one of the lovely things to hear at every Holy Mass is the Hymns and Mass parts being sung. If you can help -then please go along and sit with the Choir.
It has been suggested that Castlebay Choir will have a practice each Sunday after the 11.30am Mass –therefore at about 12.30pm.
Children’s Liturgy helpers: we are also looking for more names for helpers for the children’s Liturgy. If you would like to help with the children’s Liturgy during the Sunday Mass please speak with Fr. John Paul. Of course if you are going to help you will be asked to fill in forms for “Safeguarding”.
Sacrament Classes: The Children will prepare first for their 1st Confession and then they will prepare for their 1st Holy Communion. It is important that the children preparing for the sacraments are coming to Sunday Mass. Fr John Paul encourages all parents to do their best in bringing the children to Sunday Mass.
Barra 200 Club: it has come to that time of the year to once again renew our subscription to the Barra 200 club. Subscriptions can be left at the post office. For more information contact Mary Sarah at 810 539
Castlebay Church Cleaning: we are always looking for parishioners to help clean Castlebay church and to be a part of a rota – so that the work is not left to the same 2 or 3 who faithfully clean the church. If you can help give some time in help keep the church of Our Lady Star of the Sea clean -then please speak with Fr. John Paul.