A Bhileag 16th February 2020
“Good News”: Fr. John Paul was recently asked by Bishop Brian to become a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter for the Diocese of Argyll & the Isles. Fr. John Paul has accepted this title and new role in the Diocese. There will be a special Mass of instituting the new Canons into the Diocese on Tuesday 10th March (Feast of St. John Ogilvie) at 7pm in St. Columba’s Cathedral in Oban. Everyone is invited to come along to the Mass. The other new Canons appointed are- Fr. Michael Hutson, Fr. Roddy Johnston and Fr. William MacLean. Fr. John Paul is very humbled by this new role in the Diocese and it will certainly take a while to get used to the title of “Canon John Paul” or “Canon MacKinnon”. We extend our congratulations to Fr. Michael, Fr. Roddy & Fr William on their new title in the Diocese as Canons of the Cathedral Chapter. It’s interesting that as we were remembering the 1st Anniversary of Canon MacQueen on the 9th February- Fr. John Paul was accepting the role of a Canon. Fr. John Paul prays that he too can follow in such footsteps as Canon Angus MacQueen, Canon Calum MacNeil, Canon John Angus Galbraith, Canon John MacLean and Canon John Angus MacDonald who were all important Canons supporting and inspiring Fr. John Paul in his life and ministry.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this coming week. Monday in Castlebay, Glen & Brevig. Tuesday in Eoligarry. Wednesday in Castlebay & Borve & Craigston. Thursday in Northbay. Friday in Vatersay.
Canon MacQueen Memoriam Cards: please take home with you a memoriam Card for Canon MacQueen whose 1st Anniversary was on the 9th February. We pray that his soul may forever rest in God’s eternal love and Peace.
Castlebay Church Choir: will have a weekly choir practice each Saturday at 2.00pm in Castlebay Church. All welcome to come along.
Safeguarding Course: the next important course for those involved in the work of parish Safeguarding children and Vulnerable adults will be on Friday 28th February. For all those involved with Children’s Liturgy they must attend this course in Castlebay School. The course will be led by Mrs Liz Chaplin who will travel down from Stornoway to do the course.
Barra 200 Club: it has come to that time of the year to once again renew our subscription to the Barra 200 club. Subscriptions can be left at the post office. For more information contact Mary Sarah 810 539.
Ash Wednesday: is on Wednesday 26th February and of course the holy Season of Lent begins.
Church of Scotland Lunch– please note the “Souper Sunday lunch” on Sunday 16th February is cancelled because of the bad weather and will instead be on the 14th June.
Children’s Liturgy helpers: We are looking for more names for helpers for the children’s Liturgy. If you would like to help with the children’s Liturgy during the Sunday Mass please speak with Fr. John Paul.