Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 9th June 2019

Communications collection: today there will be a special collection for the work of Communications (the work of Catholic media, TV, Radio, Internet to help spread the Gospel message and the teachings of the Catholic Faith). Please pick up a Communications letter written by Archbishop Tartaglia.


Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next Saturday 15th June there will be the extra Vigil Mass at 4pm in Eoligarry.


First Holy Communions: this year the First Holy Communions will be over 2 weekends. The Northbay children – Erin MacNeil, Robbie Campbell & Domhnall Eachann MacLean will make their First  Holy Communion next Sunday -16th June during the 9.30am Mass in St. Barr’s.

Then on Sunday 23rd June the Castlebay children-Liam Paterson, Anthony Gillies & Lewis Walker will make their first  Holy Communion during the 11.30am Mass.


Northbay Church entrance: we now have a lovely new outdoor entrance walk-way into St. Barr’s Church and it looks wonderful! Fr. John Paul wishes to thank all those who volunteered their time and talent to working hard (in the sun and the rain) to making it all possible. Special thanks to Ronnie and his plans for the entrance. It’s a great credit to the parish those who go out of their way to look after the upkeep of the inside and outside of their church. Moran Taing!


Castlebay Church heating: last week we put in new larger radiators into Castlebay church. So hopefully it will make a big difference in keeping the church and all within the church warm.


Northbay Gift Aid: Fr John Paul would like to check who has gift aid number 29 in Northbay to update records.


Update on Fr. Colin MacInnes: We continue to remember Fr. Colin in our prayers who is still in hospital in Glasgow- he is having to take strong antibiotics every day for 3 weeks to combat the infection in his hip. It’s a long road ahead for Fr. Colin but let us all keep him and all the sick in our prayers.


Fr. Michael Hutson’s silver Anniversary: This week Fr. Michael Hutson will celebrate his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood on Thursday 13th June. Fr. Michael will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving this coming Thursday in St. Andrews on Rothesay where he has been for the last 10 years since he was parish priest of Castlebay. If anyone would like to send a card, the address is- Fr. Michael Hutson, St. Andrews Chapel House, Columshill Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 0HX